These are jobs posted on Ajira Portal daily.
i. Kufundisha masomo ya fani ya Magari katika vyuo;
ii. Kuandaa mitiririko na mpangilio wa masomo;
iii. Kusimamia masomo ya vitendo;
iv. Kuwapima wanachuo wakati wa mazoezi na kwenye mitihani;
v. Kufanya utafiti wa mahitaji ya mafunzo katika Jamii inayozunguka chuo;
vi. Kuandaa muhtasari wa masomo;
vii. Kufanya maandalizi ya namna ya kuendesha mafunzo;
viii. Kuandaa vielelezo vya kufundishia;
ix. Kuendesha mafunzo ya nje ya Chuo (Outreach Programs); na
x. Kutunga, Kusimamia na Kusahihisha mitihani.
2 years ago
i) To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authority.
2 years ago
i) To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authority.
2 years ago
i)To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authority.
2 years ago
i)To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authority.
2 years ago
i)To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authority.
2 years ago
i) To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authority.
2 years ago
i)To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authority.
2 years ago
i) To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practical’s for Undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authority.
2 years ago
i) To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practical’s for Undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities
2 years ago
i)To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practical’s for Undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities.
2 years ago
i) To undergo an induction, course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures conduct tutorials, seminars and practical’s for Undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities.
2 years ago
i) To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practical’s for Undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under Supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities.
2 years ago
i) To undergo an induction course in pedagogic skills for those who had none before;
ii)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practical’s for Undergraduate programmes;
iii)To prepare and present case studies;
iv)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
v)To recognize students having difficulties, intervene and provided help and support;
vi)To participate in consultancies and community services under supervision;
vii)To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level; and
viii)To perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities.
2 years ago
i) Undergo an induction course in pedagogy for those who had none before;
ii)Understudy senior members, including attending lectures and seminars, tutorials and practical training;
iii)Conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals;
iv)Assist in research, consultancy and other public services;
v)This is a training post; the staff is required to undergo a Master’s and Doctorate Degree training programme; and
vi)Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities.
2 years ago
i. Understudy senior members, including attending lectures and seminars, tutorials and practical training;
ii.Conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals;
iii.Assist in research, consultancy and outreach activities; and
iv.Perform other related duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities.
2 years ago
i)Undergo an induction course in pedagogy for those who had none before;
ii)Understudy senior members, including attending lectures and seminars, tutorials and practical training;
iii)Conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals;
iv)Assist in research, consultancy and other public services;
v)This is a training post; the staff is required to undergo a Master’s and Doctorate Degree training programme; and
vi)Perform any other duties that may be assigned by the relevant authorities
2 years ago
(i)To carry out lectures, conduct tutorials, seminars and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
(ii)To prepare and present case studies;
(iii)To conduct and publish/disseminate research results;
(iv)To participate/contribute in curriculum development;
(v)To recognize students having learning difficulties, intervene and provide assistance and support;
(vi)To guide students in various academic issues;
(vii)To participate in consultancy and community services under supervision;
(viii)To attend workshops, conferences and symposia; and
(ix)To perform any other related duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.
2 years ago
i.To assist in capturing user Customers Requirement Specifications;
ii.To perform system analysis and design;
iii.To implement software systems (Write and document code);
iv.To perform systems testing (Software validation& verification) and document test results;
v.To perform system configuration;
vi.To assist in conducting users acceptance test;
vii.To participate in design review and provide input for user documentation;
viii.To liaise with user support staff in supporting end users;
ix.To maintain and support various business process applications;
x.To establish solutions for the identified Authority’s requirements covering design and development;
xi.To implement solution components progressively in accordance with detailed applications designs following enterprise architecture, documentation standards, quality assurance (QA) requirements and approval standards;
xii.To assist...
2 years ago
i.To examine goods;
ii.To enter the Data into the Customs System;
iii.To maintain field records in the Customs system;
iv.To release goods when physical verification conforms;
v.To keep records and maintain documents;
vi.To check transit documents and shipping orders for bond cancellations; and
vii.To perform any other duties assigned by the supervisor.
2 years ago
i.To control imports, export and transit goods;
ii.To carry out documentary verification;
iii.To prepare enquiries and offence files;
iv.To assess and value goods;
v.To release goods after payment of duties;
vi.To prepare various returns for Customs & Excise Headquarters;
vii.To provide information for preparation of Management reports (various);
viii.To conduct the physical verification of goods;
ix.To perform anti- smuggling patrols; and
x.To perform other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
2 years ago
i.To process application for new taxpayers’ registration and facilitate issuance of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN);
ii.To manage return filing processes including identifying none and late filers;
iii.To manage tax assessments control records such as tax assessments levels, assessments in arrears and jeopardy cases;
iv.To prepare tax returns, assessments and revenue collection reports;
v.To process non-account cases returns including withholding tax statements;
vi.To trace missing taxpayers’ files;
vii.To prepare tax clearance certificates, registration of Motor Vehicles, issuance of Motor Vehicle annual licenses, issuance and renewal of drivers’ licenses;
viii.To manage objections and appeals controls such as Registers and Tax Stand over Orders;
ix.To gather and file tax information;
x.To assist...
2 years ago
i.To assist in the preparation of action plans;1.0.1TAX MANAGEMENT OFFICER II
ii.To conduct face vetting of tax returns;
iii.To conduct desk audit on simple cases and assist in field audits;
iv.To conduct physical and compliance surveillance surveys;
v.To prepare respective periodic management reports;
vi.To gather information for new taxpayers’ registrations;
vii.To prepare tax positions for all taxpayers and arrears list and follow up payments;
viii.To conduct face vetting of application for tax exemptions, relief, refunds, motor vehicle and driver’s license application;
ix.To process annual motor vehicle licenses renewal, transfers ofownership and issue the licenses;
x.To conduct registration, audit, data processing and examination; and
xi.To perform other duties as...
2 years ago
i. Kusimamia uingizaji wa kumbukumbu katika kompyuta;
ii. Kushughulikia utayarishaji wa nyaraka za kisheria;
iii. Kufanya ukaguzi wa viwanja;
iv. Kutoa notisi na kupendekeza ubatilishaji wa milki kwa viwanja visivyoendelezwa kwa mujibu wa sharia; na
v. Kuwasiliana na wateja kuhusu Hati zilizotayarishwa na kuwakabidhi.
2 years ago
i. Kushirikisha jamii katika kubuni na kupanga miradi mbalimbali katika kata wanazofanyia kazi;
2 years ago
i.To administer computer system by ensuring that all times the system are properly functioning and help users to understand their operations;
ii.To develop, test and deploy programs and computer applications;
iii.To create backups for business system, test and update contingency measures in accordance with the OTRs ICT policy;
iv.To assist users to prepare system requirement specifications for automation;
v.To analyse system incident reports and change request from users (Troubleshooting, debugging, maintaining and improving existing system);
vi.To prepare, review and maintain repository of specifications, standards and procedures for business systems and
vii.To perform other related duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.
2 years ago
i. Kuingiza kumbukumbu katika kompyuta;
ii. Kutoa...
2 years ago
To perform all activities in Data conversion of, including the following;
i.To provide ICT support in Data conversion activities;
ii.To repair data conversion equipment;
iii.To analyses converted data and process it into specific data formats; and
iv.To perform any other related duties as may be assigned by immediate supervisor
2 years ago
To perform all activities in Data conversion of town planning drawings and survey plans, including the following;
i.To Scan all town planning drawings & survey maps;
ii.To Geo-reference town planning drawings & surveying maps;
iii.To Vectorize town planning drawings with QGIS;
iv.To participate in Parcel identification in unplanned areas;
v.To Prepare maps as needs may arise; and
vi.To perform any other related duties as may be assigned by immediate supervisor
2 years ago
To perform all activities in Data conversion of survey maps, including the following;
i.To sort and record all approved survey plans in data conversion exercise;
ii.To scan all survey plans in data conversion exercise;
iii.To Geo-referencing survey plans with QGIS in data conversion exercise;
iv.To Vectorize survey plans with QGIS in data conversion exercise;
v.To participate in Parcel identification in unplanned areas;
vi.To Redraw town planning drawings as needs may arise;
vii.To Prepare daily reports; and
viii.To perform any other related duties as may be assigned by immediate supervisor
2 years ago
To accomplish Software Application Development Full Lifecycle:-
i.To design, code, and debugg mobile based applications based on various deployment platforms (e.g., USSD, SMS, Android, IOS etc.), operating systems, programming languages, database management systems, software analysis, code analysis, requirements analysis, software review, identification of code metrics, system risk analysis, software reliability analysis, etc;
ii.To provide Administration, Operation and Maintenance support of Dar City Navigator Mobile Application and other mobile Applications in DART System;
iii.To assist and participate in analysis of user requirements, prototyping, development of new functionalities, maintenance of applications, integration of technological components, testing, deployment;
iv.To design, code and debugg...
2 years ago
To accomplish Software Application Development Full Lifecycle: -
i.To design, code and debugg software applications based on various deployment platforms(e.g. web, mobile, desktop, operating systems, programming languages, database management systems, etc);
ii.To undertake software analysis, code analysis, requirements analysis, software review, identification of code metrics, system risk analysis, software reliability analysis, etc;
iii.To participate in analysis of user requirements, prototyping, development of new functionalities, maintenance of applications, integration of technological components, testing, deployment;
iv.To design, code and debugg web and mobile based applications in various software languages;
v.To undertake software analysis, code analysis, requirements analysis, software review, identification of code metrics,...
2 years ago
i.Kuratibu mipango ya uzalishaji mifugo wilayani;
ii.Kuratibu uzalishaji wa mifugo katika mashamba makubwa ya mifugo;
iii.Kusaidia kuratibu mipango ya ugani kuhusiana na uzalishaji wa mifugo wilayani;
iv.Kuratibu na kuendesha mafunzo ya ufugaji bora, usindikaji wa mazao ya mifugo kwa wataalam wa mifugo na wafugaji;
v.Kufanya mapitio na marekebisho ya miundo ya masoko ya mifugo wilayani kwake na mkoani;
vi.Kubuni, kuanzisha na kutekeleza miradi ya maendeleo ya mifugo wilayani;
vii.Kufanya soroveya ya rasilimali (resource survey) kama vile mifugo, vyakula vya mifugo, malisho n.k. katika eneo lake la kazi;
viii.Kuendesha mafunzo kwa Mawakala, wauzaji na wataalam juu ya njia salama katika kuweka na kusambaza pembejeo za mifugo;
ix.Kutafiti maeneo mapya...
2 years ago
i.To prepare for and issue instructions as per scheme of training of a specified unit by interpreting the curricula and its guidelines to facilitate practical preparation;
ii.To participate in delivering instructions to trainees through demonstration in order to impart properly the intended practical skill and attitude;
iii.To guide the safe use of training tools and equipment by performing daily preventive and corrective maintenance to maintain the life span of same; and
iv.To perform any other duties as may be assigned by her/his supervisor.
2 years ago
i. To deal with cases on social matters involving students;
ii. To disseminate VETA’s directives to students;
iii. To maintain accurate records pertaining to students’ welfare;
iv. To participate in identifying behavioural trends that may require action;
v. To administer students' welfare services;
vi. To facilitate Students’ Organization activities;
vii. To participate in career guidance and counselling to students;
viii. To maintain conducive learning environment;
ix. To deal with the student disciplinary issues;
x. To assist students in securing permits from relevant authorities; and
xi. To perform any other duties as may be assigned by immediate supervisor
2 years ago
i. To prepare instructional plans and schemes of training;
ii. To prepare appropriate tools and equipment required for presentations or demonstrations;
iii. To effectively and efficiently deliver instructions to trainees of level one (I) to level three (3) of competence through lectures, demonstrations, discussions and performing intended to impact knowledge skill and attitude in order to produce trainees with the required competencies;
iv. To perform formative and summative assessments by preparing and using assessment tools such as oral, written, product assessment and records in Log books in order to evaluate their level of competences;
v. To participate in curriculum development by initiating improvement making...
2 years ago
i. To prepare instructional plans and schemes of training;
ii. To prepare appropriate tools and equipment required for presentations or demonstrations;
iii. To effectively and efficiently deliver instructions to trainees of level one (I) to level three (3) of competence through lectures, demonstrations, discussions and performing intended to impact knowledge skill and attitude in order to produce trainees with the required competencies;
iv. To perform formative and summative assessments by preparing and using assessment tools such as oral, written, product assessment and records in Log books in order to evaluate their level of competences;
v. To participate in curriculum development by initiating improvement making...
2 years ago
i. To prepare instructional plans and schemes of training;
ii. To prepare appropriate tools and equipment required for presentations or demonstrations;
iii. To effectively and efficiently deliver instructions to trainees of level one (I) to level three (3) of competence through lectures, demonstrations, discussions and performing intended to impact knowledge skill and attitude in order to produce trainees with the required competencies;
iv. To perform formative and summative assessments by preparing and using assessment tools such as oral, written, product assessment and records in Log books in order to evaluate their level of competences;
v. To participate in curriculum development by initiating improvement making...
2 years ago
i. To prepare instructional plans and schemes of training;
ii. To prepare appropriate tools and equipment required for presentations or demonstrations;
iii. To effectively and efficiently deliver instructions to trainees of level one (I) to level three (3) of competence through lectures, demonstrations, discussions and performing intended to impact knowledge skill and attitude in order to produce trainees with the required competencies;
iv. To perform formative and summative assessments by preparing and using assessment tools such as oral, written, product assessment and records in Log books in order to evaluate their level of competences;
v. To participate in curriculum development by initiating improvement making...
2 years ago
i. To prepare instructional plans and schemes of training;
ii. To prepare appropriate tools and equipment required for presentations or demonstrations;
iii. To effectively and efficiently deliver instructions to trainees of level one (I) to level three (3) of competence through lectures, demonstrations, discussions and performing intended to impact knowledge skill and attitude in order to produce trainees with the required competencies;
iv. To perform formative and summative assessments by preparing and using assessment tools such as oral, written, product assessment and records in Log books in order to evaluate their level of competences;
v. To participate in curriculum development by initiating improvement making...
2 years ago
i. To prepare for and issue instructions as per scheme of training of a specified unit by interpreting the curricula and its guidelines to facilitate practical preparation;
ii. To participate in delivering instructions to trainees through demonstration in order to impart properly the intended practical skill and attitude;
iii. To guide the safe use of training tools and equipment by performing daily preventive and corrective maintenance to maintain the life span of same; and
iv. To perform any other duties as may be assigned by her/his supervisor.
2 years ago
i. To prepare for and issue instructions as per scheme of training of a specified unit by interpreting the curricula and its guidelines to facilitate practical preparation;
ii. To participate in delivering instructions to trainees through demonstration in order to impart properly the intended practical skill and attitude;
iii. To guide the safe use of training tools and equipment by performing daily preventive and corrective maintenance to maintain the life span of same; and
iv. To perform any other duties as may be assigned by her/his supervisor.
2 years ago
i. To prepare for and issue instructions as per scheme of training of a specified unit by interpreting the curricula and its guidelines to facilitate practical preparation;
ii. To participate in delivering instructions to trainees through demonstration in order to impart properly the intended practical skill and attitude;
iii. To guide the safe use of training tools and equipment by performing daily preventive and corrective maintenance to maintain the life span of same; and
iv. To perform any other duties as may be assigned by her/his supervisor.
2 years ago
i. To prepare for and issue instructions as per scheme of training of a specified unit by interpreting the curricula and its guidelines to facilitate practical preparation;
ii. To participate in delivering instructions to trainees through demonstration in order to impart properly the intended practical skill and attitude;
iii. To guide the safe use of training tools and equipment by performing daily preventive and corrective maintenance to maintain the life span of same; and
iv. To perform any other duties as may be assigned by her/his supervisor.
2 years ago
i.To prepare for and issue instructions as per scheme of training of a specified unit by interpreting the curricula and its guidelines to facilitate practical preparation;
ii.To participate in delivering instructions to trainees through demonstration in order to impart properly the intended practical skill and attitude;
iii.To guide the safe use of training tools and equipment by performing daily preventive and corrective maintenance to maintain the life span of same; and
iv.To perform any other duties as may be assigned by her/his supervisor.
2 years ago
i.To prepare for and issue instructions as per scheme of training of a specified unit by interpreting the curricula and its guidelines to facilitate practical preparation;
ii.To participate in delivering instructions to trainees through demonstration in order to impart properly the intended practical skill and attitude;
iii.To guide the safe use of training tools and equipment by performing daily preventive and corrective maintenance to maintain the life span of same; and
iv.To perform any other duties as may be assigned by her/his supervisor.
2 years ago
i.To prepare for and issue instructions as per scheme of training of a specified unit by interpreting the curricula and its guidelines to facilitate practical preparation;
ii.To participate in delivering instructions to trainees through demonstration in order to impart properly the intended practical skill and attitude;
iii.To guide the safe use of training tools and equipment by performing daily preventive and corrective maintenance to maintain the life span of same; and
iv.To perform any other duties as may be assigned by her/his supervisor.
2 years ago
i.To inspect food preparation and serving areas to ensure observance of safe, sanitary food-handling practices;
ii.To observe and test foods to determine if they have been cooked properly;
iii.To prepare food/meals;
iv.Take care of kitchen utensils; and
v.To perform any other duties related to his/her work as assigned by his/her supervisor
2 years ago