i. To receive and issue materials;
ii.To raise requisitions for purchases;
iii.To make follow-up on orders and ascertains delivery in time;
iv.To make follow-up on requisitions for purchases;
v.To make follow-up and purchases requisitioned items;
vi.To maintain store records;
vii.To collect relevant data for the computation of stock order points and economic quantity levels;
viii.To check transactions in stores accounting documents and registers;
ix.To receive and issue vouchers, delivery notes and invoices;
x.To prepare purchase requisitions/orders upon approval by supervisor;
xi.To analyse and compute stock re-order levels and economics order quantities;
xii.To train junior staff and trainees;
•Must have working experience of at least seven (7) years in relevant field in a reputable organization.
•The candidate must possess CPSP, CSP or equivalent and
•Must be registered with Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board (PSPTB) as Certified Procurement and Supplies Officer.