i.To carry out lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for undergraduate programmes;
ii.To set, invigilate and mark undergraduate examinations;
iii.To assist senior staff in lectures, seminars, tutorials and practicals for postgraduate programmes;
iv.To supervise projects and practical training for undergraduate students;
v.To conduct research and publish results;
vi.To carry out consultancy and public services;
vii.To undergo postgraduate training to PhD level;
viii.To participate in relevant workshops and conferences; and
ix.To perform any other relevant duties as assigned by one’s superior.
Master of Science in Biochemistry and Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dental Surgery or BSc. in Chemistry or BSc.in microbiology or BSc. in Medical Laboratory Sciences (BMLS) or Bachelor of science in diagnostic and therapeutic radiography (BSc RAD).
PUTS 2.1